Glycemic Index and Acne

Glycemic Index

The glycemic index is a measurement reflecting how a food affects your blood stream when consumed. The higher the number, the greater the blood sugar spike. Increased blood sugar leads to increased insulin production, which yields inflammation. (And reducing inflammation is one of the primary goals to clearing acne.)

High glycemic foods to avoid include:

  • most processed foods
  • sweetened foods
  • milk and other dairy products
  • bread and baked goods
  • short grain white rice
  • potatoes

Keep in mind I’m not telling you to overhaul your entire diet! Just know that diet plays a role in acne, and minimizing consumption of these foods can help your skin heal and glow. If you’ve been on a professional, targeted skin care routine for 3-4 months with little progress in your acne, you should consider your diet a little more seriously than someone who is just dabbling in skin care.

Check out other dietary factors that effect acne: iodides and hormonal influencers.


  1. Hormonal Foods and Acne – Kyanne Marie LE on March 4, 2019 at 5:43 pm

    […] Check out other dietary factors that effect acne: iodides and glycemic index. […]

  2. Diet and Acne – Overview – Kyanne Marie LE on March 4, 2019 at 5:53 pm

    […] More about glycemic index and acne. […]

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